Long weekend ... five recipes fit for a Queen's birthday

It’s the Queen’s Birthday long weekend and irrespective of whether you’re a monarchist or a republican we think it’s a great excuse to get in the kitchen and cook up a feast fit for a queen. We’ve selected some of our favourite classic English recipes perfect for a right royal party. 

Victoria Sandwich - The perfect party cake, the Victoria Sandwich is a traditional cake that everyone will love!

Cornish Pasties - From its humble beginnings as a hand-held meat-and-vegetable pie developed as a lunch for workers in the ancient English tin mining region of Cornwall, the Cornish pasty embodies traditional English comfort food.

Cucumber Finger Sandwiches - These sandwiches are just the thing for an elegant afternoon tea or luncheon.

Scotch Eggs - Traditionally eaten cold with salad and pickles, scotch eggs are perfect for picnics or lunchboxes. To achieve the perfect soft-boiled egg, cook them for exactly three minutes, then plunge them into iced-water to stop them cooking.

Queen of Puddings - A retro pudding with custard and jam topped off with chewy meringue.

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