Five reasons to eat and shop seasonally

Just why is eating seasonally so important?  Well, price, taste and supporting your local growers are just some of the reasons! Read on to find out more.

We are all told to eat with the seasons.  Take a moment to consider why this is important, and you’ll change your habits for good.

1.   Your food just tastes better!
Just think about it – have you ever picked a ripe juicy tomato in late summer from a home garden and savoured the smell, taste and sweetness?  It’s incomparable. Fruits and vegetables picked at the height of their season will always taste superior to those picked early or out of season.

2.   It’s more nutritious
Nutrient content when produce has time to ripen naturally is much higher – especially for antioxidants like Vitamin C, folate and carotenes.  These start to decline as soon as a fruit or vegetable is picked and stored, so it’s important to eat them as close to picking as possible rather than eating produce which has been stored and transported long distances.

3.   It’s cheaper!
Harvest time is when produce is abundant so therefore prices are cheaper than when things are in short supply out of season.  Buy up and enjoy fresh, preserve, or freeze.

4.   It supports your local growers
Choosing Tassie produce whenever possible supports our local industry and it what Hill Street is all about. While this is a little more challenging in the winter months, with advances in greenhouse growing our season can extend beyond the traditional – raspberries and tomatoes are a few examples.

5.   You appreciate the changing of the seasons
When certain produce is unavailable locally over winter, it makes its arrival in Spring a true cause for celebration.  The first broad bean has traditionally heralded the end of the ‘hunger gap’ – that period when availability of fresh local vegetables is reduced.

To help you enjoy and appreciate the seasons, we’ve created some Season Guides which include delicious seasonal recipes to inspire you.



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