Our ‘Who's Who in Our Crew’ will help you discover a little more about the personalities behind the checked shirts and aprons.

This week we caught up with Jordan, our Deli Manager at Hill Street New Town, who has been with Hill Street since 2017.  We had a chat with him and discovered:

When no one is watching I like to… be noisy.

My favourite place is… the Gold Coast.

My favourite movie is…Fast and Furious.

I barrack for… the Western Bulldogs.

Which three people living or dead would you invite to a dinner party?

1. My girlfriend

2. Hik (Produce Team Leader at Hill Street New Town)

3. My nan.

What's the best thing about working at Hill Street?  Making new friends, learning about new products, and interacting with customers every day.

What is your secret skill?  I’m a jack-of-all-trades.

What is your favourite food? I love all types of food!

Do you have a product at your store that you would like to recommend? Everything we sell is really good!


Jordan, our Deli Manager at Hill Street New Town

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