Kitchen helper… a few handy re-uses for a spice shaker

We love a handy upcycling tip at Hill Street. Don’t throw away your empty spice shakers, we have a few ideas!

Spice shakers - you know the ones, with the green lid and the holes punched in the top – can have a second life. Here are our ideas:

1.   As an insect trap – fill the shaker with vinegar and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Stash it out of sight in your pantry or kitchen shelving. Vinegar flies and the small flies that live in your pot plants will find this irresistible and crawl into the holes, where they will meet their fate.

2.   As an icing sugar shaker – it’s lovely to give your deserts and cakes a little dusting of icing sugar just before serving. Have some ready to go in one of these shakers. Just make sure the spice that it contained is something compatible with sweet desserts – say cinnamon – rather than something like chili!

3.   As a shaker for cinnamon and sugar – pancakes and pikelets are delicious with a shake of this tried and true combination. Have it ready to go in the pantry in a spice shaker. Again, check what the shaker contained previously in case of flavour transfer.

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