How to remove garlic odour from you hands … kitchen helper


How to remove garlic odour from you hands … kitchen helper2.jpg

Make no mistake we love garlic, but let’s be honest there’s not much to love about the smell that it leaves on your skin after handling it. You know how it goes, you’ve just finished whipping up a delicious dinner, your guests are arriving soon and then you smell it … a pungent odour coming from your hands. No matter how much you rub and scrub and slather yourself in hand cream you still pong! So what to do? This handy trick will remove that smell easily.

What you need: Soap, water and something made of stainless steel like a spoon, bowl, whatever you can lay your hands on

What you do: rub both sides of your hands on something made of stainless steel while you wash your hands until the smell goes away.

Why it works: the sulphur molecules in the garlic stick to those in the stainless steel which transfers the smell from your hands to the metal.

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