How to use fennel … kitchen helper


How to use fennel … kitchen helper.jpg

Fennel is one of the most underrated veggies around. It’s seriously versatile and tasty and all parts of the plant are edible from the bulb to the frond. So let’s have a closer look at this sweet, anise-flavoured veggie and give you some tips on how to choose, store and cook with it.

When buying fennel look for firm bulbs that feel heavy for their size. They should be free of splits or cracks and have tightly packed layers. Depending on the supplier you will find fennel with either the stalks and fronds still attached or with them removed. The stalks and fronds are edible, try the stalks chopped up and added to casseroles or stock and the fronds are delicious in salads or as a garnish.

The bulb of the fennel has a sweet liquorice flavour and crunchy texture and is delicious sliced very thinly and eaten raw. If you have a mandolin, they are great for cutting fennel but a sharp knife will also do the trick.  Raw fennel is crunchy and sweet and the bulb can also be cooked; try it braised, sautéed, roasted or grilled. Cooked fennel becomes soft and silky and is a perfect match for seafood.


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