Use it all … spring onions


Packed full of flavour, spring onions are a wonderful addition to stir-fries, dips, soups, dumplings, salads, and bread. With such a wide range of uses, there’s really no excuse for not getting through a whole bunch of spring onions. But, if you find that you buy a bunch of spring onions for one recipe and then end up binning the rest, we might just be able to help you out with some great ways to use up that whole beautiful bunch.

First things first, do you know how to store spring onions correctly? Proper storage will extend their life so make sure you keep them in the fridge. Spring onions have a high water content so they will wilt if left at room temperature. If you find that the bunch takes up too much fridge space, chop them up and store in an airtight container in the fridge for a few days, or pop them in the freezer for up to three months.

So, what can you do with a half-used bunch of spring onions? Here’s a few ideas – toss them into curries for added flavour; finely chop and mix with chicken and mayonnaise for a delicious sandwich filling; add them to savoury pancakes with cooked prawns; pop them in a quiche; bake a batch of savoury cheese and spring onion scones; and if all else fails, use them as a vibrant garnish on your favourite dishes.

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