Our ‘Who's Who in Our Crew’ will help you discover a little more about the personalities behind the checked shirts and aprons.
This week we caught up with our Storeman at Longford, Neville, who has been with Hill Street Longford and its predecessor store Brown’s for a total of 50 years! Neville is our longest serving staff member and will retire on this 67th birthday on the 24th of July this year.
We’re so grateful to Neville for his years of hard work, and the contribution he has made to our business and the Longford community over the past half-century! We had a chat with Neville recently and discovered a few more things about him we didn’t already know:
When no one is watching I like to… make sure everything is neat and tidy.
My favourite place is… home.
My favourite movie is… Rambo II.
I barrack for… North Melbourne!!
Which three people living or dead would you invite to a dinner party?
1. Mum
2. Dad
3. Wayne Carey – Football legend!
What's the best thing about working at Hill Street? The people I work with and the customer relations I have with the local public.
What is your secret skill? Fly tying – a long time ago.
What is your favourite food? Everything. I love food – especially a pub meal.
Do you have a product at your store that you would like to recommend? The take home meal selection from the deli – they’re very helpful to single and older customers – yummy!

Storeman at Longford, Neville