Get some pork on your fork


A few years back Australian Pork gave us the memorable “Get some pork on your fork” advertising campaign that encouraged us to eat more pork. If pork isn’t on your radar as a source of protein then you really should consider it because pork has more going for it nutritionally than you may realise.

It is a powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals — just 85 grams of cooked lean pork covers you for more than a third of the daily requirements for thiamin, niacin, selenium and vitamin B6. Plus it is rich in vitamin B12, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc and omega-3. That palm-size amount of meat also gives you 22 grams of high-quality protein.

Lean pork is the best option for every day cooking and there are many cuts that are lean including loin steak, fillet, rump steak, diced pork, pork strips, loin roast and loin chops. Trimmed lean pork is a great substitute for meats like chicken, beef or lamb to add some variety to your weekly meals.

If you’re looking for a great roast you really can’t go past pork. Pork roasts offer lots of flavour and are a meal the whole family will love. To create the perfect pork roast there are a few simple steps we recommend.

Firstly get the rind as dry as possible before you begin cooking. Use paper towel to pat it dry and score deeply with a sharp knife but be careful not to cut into the meat. If you have time leave the scored roast in the fridge uncovered for one hour or overnight as this dries the rind and helps make super crunch crackling. When you’re ready to cook, rub the roast with olive or vegetable oil and salt, making sure that the oil and salt penetrate the scores in the rind.

Place the roast on a wire rack inside a baking tray and cook at high temperature (220C) until the rind crackles. Then turn the oven temperature down to 180C and cook for 30-35 minutes per kilogram depending on how you like your roast cooked.

Our final tip is to always allow your roast to rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing.

Wondering what size roast to choose? Use this guide to help you:

Bone-in roast                     Approximately 3.5 – 4 kg              Feeds about 10-12 people

Boneless roast                  Approximately 1.5 – 2kg               Feeds about 6 – 8 people

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