Earth Day … it’s time to nurture nature


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Thursday 22 April is Earth Day. Since the first Earth Day in 1970 over 1 billion people have been involved in driving positive environmental action for our planet. This year the focus of Earth Day is climate action; world climate leaders, grassroots activists, innovators, industry leaders, artists, musicians, influencers and future leaders will encourage us to restore our earth and take steps to tackle climate change. Change starts with action and we are encouraged to take action to support the Billion Acts of Green that are happening across the world on Earth Day. Not sure what to do? We’ve put together some suggestions of how you can make a difference through simple changes and activities in your life.

1.     Plant a tree – this is a really popular Earth Day activity. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, removing and storing carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air so they are a vital for a healthy environment.

2.     Make beeswax wraps – ditch the single-use plastic wrap and use environmentally-friendly alternatives like beeswax wraps. They are easy to make at home using fabric scraps and you can find instructions here. Time poor? Hill Street Home stores have a range of beeswax wraps available to purchase.

3.     Make your own make-up wipes – those convenient wipes that you use to remove your make-up contribute nearly 3.5 billion kilograms of waste to landfill every year. Making your own make-up wipes is not only better for the environment, but it will also save you money. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to make your own.

4.     Say goodbye to plastic bottles – one of the easiest changes you can make is to commit to using a reusable drink bottle. You’ll be reducing plastic waste and saving yourself a lot of money too.

5.     Donate and upcycle – in our modern world it has become all too easy to throw away things that we no longer need or use, from clothing to toys to furniture. As they say one person’s trash is another’s treasure so instead of tossing things in the bin, donate them to charity or give them to a friend or family member to use.

To learn more about Earth Day visit


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