Drink me … a magic potion for your health

Drink me … a magic potion for your health.jpeg

This potion won’t shrink you down to a miniature size like Alice did in Alice in Wonderland, but a daily serving of 50-100mL of this delicious drink can aid sleep, reduce abdominal fat, regulate your metabolism, and help reduce inflammation related to arthritis.  Oh, and it also makes a great cocktail. Read on to find out about this magical potion and how to get hold of some!

You might have been vaguely aware that cherries are very good for you.  But looking at the specifics lately, we were amazed to learn than cherry juice contains some complex compounds that do you a world of good:

  • Studies as far back as 2012 show cherry juice contains antioxidants called anthocyanins which reduce pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and lower uric acid responsible for gout;
  • Anthocyanins also have been found to reduce the development of abdominal fat and lower the risk of metabolic syndrome;
  • Cherries contain melatonin, which is responsible for sleep regulation, helping you to get to sleep and stay asleep;
  • The high potassium content of cherries helps maintain blood pressure and hydration, which assists in muscle recovery after a workout;
  • Cherries’ high antioxidant content boosts your immune system and helps fight off diseases and viruses.

But there’s one problem – you would need to eat a tonne of cherries to get these benefits… and the season here in Tassie is a brief few weeks in summer.

Enter – Eden Orchards Cherry Juice! Made by a family company over the ditch in New Zealand, it’s 100% pure cherry juice made from sweet cherries. With no additives or preservatives, each bottle contains the equivalent of 2kg of cherries. A daily serving of between 50 – 100mL can confer many benefits – but feel free to drink it by the glass as it’s delicious!

Eden Orchards also bottles blueberry juice which also contains excellent health-giving compounds such as:

  • Antioxidants including anthocyanins that are credited for their anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Other antioxidants such as polyphenols which are associated with improved brain function, and may also contribute to better eye health and immune system support;
  • Cancer-protective vitamins C and E which minimise the damaging effects of free radicals associated with cancer, particularly ovarian and colon cancer;
  • Compounds which protect against coronary heart disease and stroke. These are 38% more cardio-protective than red wine and they help to reduce cholesterol, improve the elasticity of artery walls and increase capillary strength.

Each 750mL bottle of blueberry juice contains the juice of 2kg of blueberries, so you’re receiving a concentrated dose of all the good stuff blueberries contain.

If you’re having a dilemma about whether to go for cherry juice or blueberry juice, Eden makes a 50-50 mix so you can get all the benefits of each fruit in one drink.

Blueberry and cherry juice are great on their own, diluted with sparkling water or as a base for a refreshing cocktail – Cherry Colada or Blueberry Cosmo anyone?

Available now in all Hill Street stores and online at https://store.hillstreetgrocer.com/

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